Bachelor in Infrastructure Engineering of Technological education. Department of Civil Engineering of Technological Education. Faculty of Technological Applications Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly.


A) Following completion of their studies, the graduates of the Department shall acquire the necessary specialized scientific, technological, technical knowledge and competences, in order to find employment and work either on their own or in collaboration with other scientists in the private and public sector, and engage with the study, research and application of the technology over modern specific fields of projects and works of the specialty of Infrastructure Engineer.
The learners shall be capable following the completion of their studies a) of having analytical knowledge about the subject of their studies, understand the principles of the subject of Infrastructure Engineering, delve into, expand, and increase their acquired knowledge, while understanding the evolutionary dynamics of the field, and b) analyse and adjust the knowledge acquired, in order to implement them in various issues of their scientific field, properly apply the tools and techniques concerning the management of basic issues, resolve composite and/or new problems, and communicate with specialized and unspecialized groups and with the public, with the purpose of conveying information, ideas, problems, and solutions over specific issues, and finally, c) design, manage, and implement research work, take decisions, evaluate them, and undertake the responsibility in modern professional and business environments, which are constantly changing and evolving, while being capable of undertaking, within specific contexts, the responsibility for developing knowledge, skills, and competences of individuals and groups.

Further Information

A) Upon completing their studies, the graduates of the Department of Civil Engineers of Technological Education acquire the necessary, as per the international standards, theoretical and technological knowledge and skills, in order to successfully proceed with the following: a) pursue Postgraduate Studies in Tertiary Educational Institutions domestically or abroad, b) follow, based on the background of their studies, the fast developments, both theoretical and technological, in their cognitive subject, and c) work in every aspect of the subject of the Department, either as freelancers or as managers or executives in relevant or public businesses, organisations, and agencies.
Their field of activity includes the following:
- supervision and construction of public transport, hydraulic, geotechnical, and other projects;
- study or supervision of the study of projects, as members of organized agencies of the public sector or design firms;
- preparation or supervision of studies of private and public infrastructure projects of their specialty, as autonomous technicians;
- conduct or participation in operations for recommendations, evaluations of tenders, purchasing, and for the quality control of materials and works;
- covering of executive positions, as required by the law for the operation of businesses and agencies of their specialty;
- organisation of technical projects;
- organization of activities and ability of collection and analysis of laboratory results in material testing laboratories, and in hydraulic projects, in wastewater cleaning projects, in environmental protection projects, in waste treatment projects, in hydraulic and marine projects, etc.;
- application of programmes using computer technology.
Presidential Decree 318/94 (Government Gazette 167Α΄ / 7-10-94) specifies the vocational rights of our Department's graduates.

Relation To Employment

The degree of Infrastructure Engineer of Technological Education is necessary in order to work in a) Public Transport Projects, b) Hydraulic Projects, c) Geotechnical and other relevant Technical Infrastructure Works, d) in industry businesses both in the Public Sector and in the Private Sector, either on their own or as an employee. (Government Gazette 167)


Access to this type of qualification have those who have completed at least the secondary education (level 4).
Holders of such qualifications gain access to study programmes at the same level or at level 7 or 8.

Ways To Aquire

Qualifications of this type are acquired via formal education.