Bachelor's Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. Faculty of Health Science and Education. Harokopio University.


• Have a coherent and integrated body of knowledge, which also includes data from the biological and medical sciences, food sciences and social sciences.
• Have a perception of the evolutionary dynamics of the scientific subject area of Nutrition and Dietetics, both in basic research and in epidemiology and clinical applications.
• Possess analytical and advanced knowledge of the dynamics of the scientific knowledge field of Dietetics - Nutrition, both in normal and in pathological situations.
• Possess analytical and advanced knowledge of the dynamics of the scientific knowledge field of Dietetics - Nutrition, at the individual and population level, in general and specific groups of the population.
• Recognise the connection and the sequence of the dimensions of prevention, health promotion and treatment.
• Recognise the interactions of nutritional elements, food and medicine, as well as the connection of the Science of Food Technology and Nutrition.

• Implement the nutrition care process in feeding population groups or individuals, namely:
• Assess nutritional status, using appropriate assessment tools.
• Diagnose the nutritional problem.
• Intervene by comprehensive methods.
• Monitor with appropriate indicators the effectiveness of the intervention, judge the effectiveness of the intervention and appropriately reshape its objectives.
• Analyse and adapt their knowledge in the science of Dietetics - Nutrition to educate population groups or individuals.
• Implement new technologies in nutrition care process.

• Continue to develop with autonomy their knowledge and skills at a higher level.
• Implement professionally specialized knowledge and skills gained on the process of nutritional care and deal effectively and in an interdisciplinary manner with the issues raised.
• Resolve problems related to improving the effectiveness of various interventions.
• Contribute to the development of knowledge and practice in the workplace.
• Autonomously undertake responsibility to educate/train groups of people on nutrition issues and are able to assess its performance.
• Cooperate within multidisciplinary teams with other scientific disciplines, contributing to food issues.
• Engage in administration and financial management of mass caterers.

Further Information

The education provided by the Department covers the whole range of disciplines of Nutrition, combines theoretical training with laboratory exercise and practice and monitors current scientific developments. The Department cultivates basic and applied research contributing to the advancement of scientific knowledge and public health, and economic and social development of the country.
The Department has three workshops on subjects which address the following scientific fields:
• Laboratory of Biology, Biochemistry and Physiology of Humans and Microorganisms: Organic chemistry and biochemistry. Kinetics of enzymatic reactions. Fundamentals of biochemical tests of clinical chemistry. Biochemical mechanisms of physiopathological situations. Cell Biology. Molecular genetics. General microbiology - Applied microbiology (food microbiology) - environmental microbiology. Physiology, pathophysiology, especially pathology issues, pharmacology, toxicology, minerals - vitamins and nutrition, biotechnology - genetic engineering.

• Laboratory of Nutrition and Clinical Dietetics: Nutrition and metabolism, sports nutrition and dietary regimen of athletes, body composition, clinical dietetics, childhood and adolescent obesity, nutritional evaluation, nutritional epidemiology, health promotion, nutrition anthropology.

• Laboratory of Food Chemistry-Biochemistry- Physical Chemistry: Food Chemistry and Biochemistry, Food Technology, Food Analysis, Food Safety and Quality, Management and Hygiene of Nutrition Units, Food and Environment, Bioactive Food Ingredients, Nanotechnology applications in Food, Food Law.

Relation To Employment

The Degree in Nutrition and Dietetics is essential for practicing the profession and using the title of Dietitian (Presidential Decree 133/Official Gazette 213/01-10-2014).


Access to this type of qualification have those who have completed at least the secondary education (level 4).
Holders of such qualifications gain access to study programmes at the same level or at level 7 or 8.

Ways To Aquire

Qualifications of this type are acquired via formal education.