VOCATIONAL SCHOOL (EPAS) CERTIFICATE (PTYCHIO EPAS) - Specialty "Hotel and Catering Services"


The holder of an EPAS certificate of this specialty:

1. Describes the basic composition of dishes and preparations.
2. Understands and communicates with ease, using English and French, or German, tourist terminology.
3. Calculates the cost and determines the selling prices for tourism products and services.
4. Understands and applies the bylaws of hotels, restaurants and the content of collective labour agreements.
5. Identifies and describes the most important tourist destinations in Greece.
1. Prepares the restaurant and bar areas for serving drinks, beverages, food and for conducting various events.
2. Welcomes guests in the restaurant - bar and implements preliminary service procedures.
3. Prepares drinks and offers them.
4. Serves dishes.
5. Provides cleaning services, settling and inspection in the hotel guest rooms.
6. Applies rules of personal hygiene and health and safety for the premises.
1. Implements room selling, booking and arrival preparation procedures.
2. Performs all works related to the arrival, reception and departure of the client, and provides facilitation services during their stay.
3. Maintains and issue client bills, with or without the use of hotel software.
4. Conducts operations regarding the sale and promotion of food, wine and drinks.
5. Collects accounts and participates in the closure process of the dining area or bar.
6. Supervises the cleaning and arrangement of guest rooms in the hotel business.
7. Selects systems and cleaning methods, with ecological and economic criteria.

Relation To Employment

License to provide services, in accordance with the provisions of each specialty.


Access to EPAS is given to graduates of 1st grade of General Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) or Vocational Upper Secondary School (EPAL).
The holders of Ptychio EPAS have access to:
- the 2nd grade of General Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) or
- the 2nd grade of Vocational Upper Secondary School (EPAL), in a non-related specialty to the obtained EPAS qualification.
- the 3rd grade of Vocational Upper Secondary School (EPAL), in a specialty related to the obtained EPAS qualification.

Ways To Aquire

Formal education system