
Geniko Lykeio (GEL) Certificate holders have a general high level education, as well as, the knowledge, skills and competence for the continuation of their studies in higher education. At the same time, they gain access to the labour market.

Relation To Employment

Holders of qualifications that belong to this type may work either as self-employed in professional fields where professional license or special studies are not required or as employees in public or private sector.


Holders of qualifications of compulsory education (Apolytirio Gymnasiou) have access to the qualifications of this type.
Holders of qualifications of this type have access:
 to the 2nd class of Epaggelmatiko Lykeio (EPAL), only to obtain Ptychio Epaggelmatikou Lykeiou.
 to IEK, for acquiring professional qualifications
 to tertiary education (Post-secondary and not Higher Education Schools (level 5), Technological Educational Institutes (TEI) and Universities (level 6).

Learning Outcomes


• To possess in-depth the basic principles and concepts, the content and scientific vocabulary of each subject area.
• To understand, express and interpret symbolic and abstract concepts.
• To acquire basic knowledge for conducting a research.
• To have basic knowledge of linking different subject areas (Interdisciplinary knowledge).
• To read and understand complex texts.
• To possess the basic principles of the new technologies, at a sufficient level.
• To write texts, depending on the current requirements (CV, projects, research results, applications, reports, etc).


• To express their views with clarity on various issues opposing the appropriate arguments.
• To use applications of new technologies, in an advanced degree.
• To conduct experiments and record their results.
• To develop problem-solving strategies (everyday life or theoretical problems).
• To be engaged in group work.
• To take part in programmes concerning the environment, health education, sports and theatrical education.


• To act with moderate autonomy at school or at work.
• To supervise others in duties of their responsibility in the work field.
• To possess the necessary competence to meet the requirements of study in schools of higher education.