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1 - 10 from 36
Level Title
6 Bachelor's Degree in Culture, Creative Media and industries. Department of Culture, Creative Media and industries. School of Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Thessaly.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Early Childhood Care & Education. Department of Childhood Care & Education. Faculty of Healthy & Welfare Professions. University of Ioannina
6 Bachelor's Degree in Early Years Learning & Care. Department of Early Years Learning & Care. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of Ioannina
6 Bachelor's Degree in Education. Department of Primary Education. School of Education. University of Ioannina.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education. Department of Educational Sciences and Early Childhood Education. School of Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Patras.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Sciences. Specialties: A) Environmental Management and Rehabilitation B) Waste Management C) Environmental Design D) Social and Economic Environmental Analysis. Department of Environmental Sciences. School of Technology. University of Thessaly.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Language and Intercultural Studies. Directions: 1) Applied Languages ​​and Intercultural Communication 2) Literary Studies Department of Language and Intercultural Studies. School of Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Thessaly.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education. Department of Primary Education. School of Humanities and Social Sciences. University of Thessaly.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education. Department of Primary Education. School of Education. Democritus University of Thrace.
7 Master's Degree in "Education Sciences" (MA). Department of Education. School of Pedagogical and Technological Education (ASPETE).