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Level Title
4 VOCATIONAL SCHOOL (EPAS) CERTIFICATE (PTYCHIO EPAS) - Specialty "Chemical Laboratories and Material Quality Control"
6 Bachelor Degree in Petroleum and Natural Gas and Mechanical Engineering of Technological Education. Directions: 1. Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineers of Technological Education 2. Mechanical Engineers of Technological Education. Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering and Mechanical Engineering of Technological Education. Faculty of Technological Applications. Technological Educational Institute of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace.
6 Bachelor’s Degree in Energy Systems. Pathways: a) Systems of Thermal Energy b) Power Systems c) Utilization of Renewable Energy Sources Systems d) Vehicle Technology e) Energy Infrastructures f) Energy Management Department of Energy Systems. Faculty of Technology. University of Thessaly.
6 Bachelor's degree in Food Technology. Department of Food Technology. Faculty of Agricultural Τechnology. Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design. Department of Forestry, Wood Sciences and Design. School of Technology. University of Thessaly.
7 Joint Master's Degree in "Chemistry and Materials Technology". Department of Materials Science Engineering. School of Engineering. - Department of … School of … - Department of … School of … University of Ioannina.
7 Joint Master's Degree in "Polymer Science and Technology". Department of Physics. School of Natural Sciences. - Department of Materials Science. School of Natural Sciences. - Department of Chemistry. School of Natural Sciences. - Department of Mechanical Engineering and Aeronautics. School of Engineering. - Department of Chemical Engineering. School of Engineering. University of Patras.
7 Master's Degree in "Analysis and Management of Energy Systems". Department of Mechanical Engineering. School of Engineering. University of Thessaly.
7 Master's Degree in "Oil & Gas Technology". Department of Petroleum and Natural Gas Engineering of Technological Education. Faculty of Technological Applications. Technological Educational Institute of Eastern Macedonia & Thrace.
7 Master's Degree in "Technologies of Advnaced Materials". Deparrtment of Materials Science Engineering. School of Engineering. University of Ioannina.