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Level Title
4 VOCATIONAL SCHOOL (EPAS) CERTIFICATE (PTYCHIO EPAS) - Specialty "Agrotourism and Agroindustry Businesses"
6 B.Sc. in Oenology. Department of Oenology and Beverage Technology. Faculty of Food Technology and Nutrition. Technological Educational Institute of Athens.
6 Bachelor Degree in Oenology. Department of Oenology and Beverage Technology. Faculty of Agriculture, Food and Nutrition Technology. Technological Educational Institute of Eastern Macedonia and Thrace.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Technology. Pathways: 1.Floriculture and Landscape Architecture, 2.Crops Production, 3.Animal Production. Department of Agriculture. School of Agriculture. University of Ioannina.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Agronomy - Specialization in Agricultural Economics and Rural Development. Department of Agricultural Economics and Rural Development. Faculty of Food, Biotechnology and Development. Agricultural University of Athens.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Agronomy - Specialization in Biotechnology. Department of Biotechnology. Faculty of Food, Biotechnology and Development. Agricultural University of Athens.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Agronomy - Specialization in Crop Science. Department of Crop Science. Faculty of Agricultural Production, Infrastructure and Environment. Agricultural University of Athens
6 Bachelor's Degree in Agronomy - Specialization in Food Science and Human Nutrition. Department of Food Science and Human Nutrition. Faculty of Food, Biotechnology and Development. Agricultural University of Athens.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Biosystems Engineering. Department of Biosystem Engineering. Faculty of Agricultural Tehnology. Technological Educational institute of Thessaly.
6 Bachelor's Degrre in Agricultural Science. Departmant of Agricultural science. Faculty of Agricultural Technology. Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly.