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811 - 820 from 1024
Level Title
7 Joint Master's Degree in "Chemistry and Materials Technology". Department of Materials Science Engineering. School of Engineering. - Department of … School of … - Department of … School of … University of Ioannina.
7 Master 's Degree in "Computer Engineering and Networks". Department of Informatics and Telecommunications. School of Informatics and Telecommunications. University of Ioannina.
7 Master 's Degree in "Informatics and Networks". Department of Informatics and Telecommunications. School of Informatics and Telecommunications. University of Ioannina
7 Master’s Degree in "Business Administration". Department of Accounting and Finance. School of Economics and Management Science. University of Ioannina.
7 Master’s Degree in Αccounting- Finance and Business Administration. School of Management & Economics. Technological Educational Insitute of Epirus. Ή: School of Economics and Management Science. University of Ioannina. ?
7 Master's Degree in "…" Pathways: a) "Fine Arts", b) "Exhibition Curating". Department of Fine Arts and of the Sciences of Art. School of Fine Arts. University of Ioannina.
7 Master's Degree in "Economic Analysis and Policy". Department of Economics. School of Economics and Management Science. University of Ioannina.
7 Master's Degree in "Educational Sciences: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Early Childhood and Pre-Primary Education". Department of Early Childhood Education. School of Education. University of Ioannina.
7 Master's Degree in "Special Education". Department of Primary Education. University of Ioannina.
7 Master's Degree in "Technologies of Advnaced Materials". Deparrtment of Materials Science Engineering. School of Engineering. University of Ioannina.