Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering. Department of Mechanical Engineering. Faculty of Engineering. Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (former Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus).


Knowledge: Knowledge and experiences of the Engineering Department graduates enable them to work in a wide range of industrial and other business units, both in traditional and in modern fields of Engineering, where expertise is required, and with a possibility of direct practical application. The graduates of the department cover a very broad range of knowledge related to mechanical engineering, development, design, production and operation of products, energy, environment, transport, engine design and control systems.

Skills: The graduate of the department covers the subject of the application and advancement of science of Mechanical Engineering. With the theoretical and applied scientific training, graduates of the Department are provided with the necessary skills to meet the very high demands of the labour market in the best possible way.
The graduate of the department:
• Applies modern scientific and technological methods in the preparation of engineering studies.
• Designs, develops, supervises the function of mechanical installations and industrial production systems.
• Studies and applies safety rules in mechanical installations.
• Applies modern scientific and laboratory techniques in laboratories of finished products testing, of inspection procedures and certificates’ award, of compliance with safe operation and environmental protection standards, and of quality assurance.
• Organizes, supervises, processes and evaluates laboratory measurements and experiments in all areas of specialty.
• Organizes the production process using modern methods of monitoring, organization, control and construction.
• Develops and puts into practice modern methods of treatments, configurations.
• Deals with the design, development, installation and operation of power systems by utilizing renewable energy sources.
• Deals with research, development and innovation in all areas of expertise.

Capacities: The graduates of the department undertake engineering design, work in engineering workshops, oversee the operation of mechanical installations and work independently as technical security staff. They also possess skills of collective and team work in complex techno-economic issues of their specialty.

Further Information

The Department of Mechanical Engineering, with superior educational and research activities, has the task to transmit to its students specialized scientific and technological knowledge, and to encourage their application. The Department focuses on classic, but also on modern fields of Mechanical Engineering, with a constant presence in research and scientific activities and collaborations with Greek and European educational and research institutions. It aims to give graduates the necessary skills, but also to shape their ways of thinking and working to ensure the best prospects for successful professional careers and / or for further studies within the intense demands of modern times. Attendance at the Department of Mechanical Engineering typically lasts eight semesters. The curriculum includes general courses in the first semesters and specialty courses. In the 5th semesters, our students have the opportunity to opt for continuing their studies in the Energy or Construction sector, depending on their direction and interests. In the last semester, all students perform practical work and prepare a thesis, necessary conditions for the successful completion of their studies.

Relation To Employment

Holders of qualifications that belong to this type may work either as self-employed or in positions of responsibility in companies and organizations in the private or in the public sector.


Access to this type of qualification have those who have completed at least the secondary education (level 4).
Holders of such qualifications gain access to study programmes at the same level or at level 7 or 8.

Ways To Aquire

Qualifications of this type are acquired via formal education.