Bachelor's Degree in Logistics Management of Technological Education. Department of Logistics Management. Faculty of Business & Economics. Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece.


The graduate of the Department:
knows: the principles and the modern technologies, methods and techniques used at a global level for managing the supply chain, organizing and managing the warehouse, for distribution and transports, for managing supplies, as well as the principles of business management, accounting and finance, marketing management and customer services, management of human resources, managing total quality, managing projects, managing green logistics and sustainability, and the core principles of law and of the technical legislation.
Understands and Analyses: the operation of the supply chain and of the distribution networks, as well as of green logistics, and the structure and operation of warehouses, of distribution centres and of transports, the operation of basic IT systems used in logistics, the application of modern methods and techniques in the above fields, as well as with regard to business administration, accounting and finance, marketing and customer service management, management of human resources, total quality management, project management, and the application of the relevant law.
Is capable of:
a) Organising and running the supply chain, such as the warehouses, the distribution networks, the forwarding of orders, supplies, and products.
b) Issuing programming studies for the standardization of products, for assuring quality, managing stock, protecting the environment, managing human resources, for project management, for marketing management, for sustainable development, and generally, for the improvement of the supply chain.
c) Develops and implements mechanisms and procedures for monitoring and controlling the flow of materials and products.
d) Manages IT systems for programming, monitoring, and controlling the activities of the supply chain.
e) Educates students of Secondary or Post-Secondary Education students on the above.

Further Information

The mission of the Department of Administration of Logistics is the education and research in the fields of Logistics Administration related to the administration science and modern technologies, with emphasis on the use of the respective methods and techniques in the entire supply chain. The curriculum includes education in theoretical level and in laboratory level, with the use of modern IT systems, the compulsory issuing of dissertation, and the conduct of practical training for six months. The subjects taught include compulsory and elective courses, which are classified in the following cognitive subjects. Accounting (e.g. Financial Accounting, Tax Accounting), Finance (e.g. Financial Analysis I and II, Greek Economy and European Regional Policy), Business Administration (e.g. Business Administration I and II, Total quality Management, Development of business plans 3PL-4PL, Management of Human Resources), Mathematics (e.g. Mathematics for Economists, Statistics, Operational research), Informatics (e.g. Informatics I and II, Logistics IT systems, Geographical Information Systems (GIS), Management Informational Systems (MIS), Logistics (e.g. Distribution and Transport Systems, Design of Operational Units, Inter-factory distribution of materials, Safety in Transports and Warehouses), Marketing, Legal issues, Environment and Recycling Management, Methodology of social research, Foreign language.

Relation To Employment

Holders of qualifications that belong to this type may work either as self-employed or in positions of responsibility in companies and organizations in the private or in the public sector.


Access to this type of qualification have those who have completed at least the secondary education (level 4).
Holders of such qualifications gain access to study programmes at the same level or at level 7 or 8.

Ways To Aquire

Qualifications of this type are acquired via formal education.