Bachelor's Degree in Accounting and Finance of Technological Education. Department of Accounting and Finance . Faculty of Business and Economics. Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece.


They know the following (Knowledge):
- the accounting principles and the operation of the accounting circuit in businesses;
- the procedure for entering accounting events and for preparing and analysing financial statements;
- the tax and labour legislation, as well as the International and Greek Accounting Standards that govern the operation of businesses and of their accounting circuit;
- the operation of Accounting as a key informational system for businesses, necessary for the procedure of decision taking;
- the interconnection between financial statements and the methods of evaluation, the assessment of investments, and risk analysis.

- Understand and analyse (Skills):
- the operations of the accounting IT system with regard to the production of accounting information in the form of financial statements and with regard to the use of such information in order to take business decisions;
- the legal and institutional framework governing the above operations of the accounting IT system;
- the concepts regarding the evaluation of businesses and the evaluation of their alternative investment plans, and risk analysis

- They design, implement and supervise:

- the accounting IT system used by businesses and organisations;
- the application of the tax and labour Legislation, as well as of the regulatory principles and contexts governing the operation of the accounting circuit and the tax, insurance and other obligations of the business;
- the drawing and use of suitable information in order to take decisions, evaluate businesses, assess investments, and analyse risk.

Further Information

The curriculum of the Department of Accounting and Finance aims to provide modern scientific knowledge and help the Department's students develop the necessary skills in order to work as Accountant - Financial Analyst of Technological Education. Special attention is given to laboratory practice and to a wider range of applications required by the profession of Accountant - Financial Analyst. The purpose is to provide the best possible training to the Department's graduates on technological issues concerning the operation of accounting and finance as IT systems for businesses and as tools for taking decisions.

Relation To Employment

The title of studies is linked to the professional practice license of Accountant of Technological Education.


Access to this type of qualification have those who have completed at least the secondary education (level 4).
Holders of such qualifications gain access to study programmes at the same level or at level 7 or 8.

Ways To Aquire

Qualifications of this type are acquired via formal education.

Thematic Areas
