Master's Degree in "Bio-Medical and Molecular Sciences in Diagnosis and Therapy". Department of Medical Laboratory Studies. Faculty of Health and Medical Care. Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki.


The subject of the Postgraduate Studies Programme (PSP) is postgraduate teaching, research and training, and specialization on Biomedical and Molecular Sciences, and the applications thereof to the diagnosis and treatment of patients, through the acquisition of knowledge and competences on issues of core and applied laboratory and clinical research. The purpose of the PSP is to provide students with a comprehensive view of the applications of molecular sciences and the interconnection of their professional training with the labour market. The implementation of the programme includes three cycles of courses and training, with consistent and equally allocated educational content: a) Cycle of theoretical courses and seminars; b) Cycle of practical education and training; c) Education on research thinking and practice on the field of development and application of molecular techniques using Practice and education on: 1) the procedures for development - adjusting to various diagnostic needs; 2) quality control, and 3) application of laboratory techniques, and preparation of dissertation.

Further Information

The Postgraduate Studies Programme on Biomedical and Molecular Sciences for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Diseases (Government Gazette 3353/12-12-2004) is co-hosted by the Department of Medical Laboratories of the Faculty of Health Professions and Welfare of Alexander Technological Educational Institute of Thessaloniki and the Department of Medicine of the Faculty of Health Sciences in Democritus University of Thrace. Its operation is expected to commence on May 2015.
Students shall acquire knowledge - skills on the following sections: Molecular Biology, Clinical & Molecular Genetics, Molecular Cytology, Clinical & Molecular Biochemistry, Molecular Cytogenetics, Clinical Chemistry, Molecular and Clinical Pharmacology, Applied Physiology - IVF, Genetics of microbes, parasites, fungi - Antimicrobial therapy, Molecular and clinical virology, Genomics & Proteomics in predictive medicine, Biotechnology & applications, Biostatistics Bioinformatics, Health & Safety Working in the laboratory, Mutagenic-carcinogenic mechanisms, Mass screening program for diagnosing pathologies, Entry in the labour market - Labour relationships, Bio-Medical applications in health, Molecular pre- / post-natal diagnosis of diseases; Symmetries and Molecular Thermodynamics of biomolecules, Cell - and tissue cultures - Nutrients, Biotechnology-DNA-Transgenic animals, Bioethics in medicine - Cloning, Gene Therapy and biomedical applications, Immunobiology, Immunogenetics and disease, Oncology - Cancer therapy, Diagnostic molecular immunohistochemistry, Anatomy-Histology, Epigenetics - Pharmacogenomics, Writing / publication of works, etc.

Relation To Employment

Holders of qualifications that belong to this type may work either as self-employed or in positions of responsibility in companies and organizations in the private or in the public sector.


Access to this type of qualification have those who hold a Bachelor Degree (level 6). The selection of graduate students is mainly based on the following criteria: the overall grade of the Bachelor Degree, the grades in undergraduate courses that are relevant with the subjects of the Master’s program, the performance in thesis, where is foreseen at the undergraduate level and any research activity of the candidate. The detailed application of the above mentioned criteria, the definition of additional criteria or the conducting of examinations and interviews, the results of which are taken into account in the selection, are determined by decision of the relevant Department.
Holders of such qualifications gain access to study programmes at the same level or at level 8.

Ways To Aquire

Qualifications of this type are acquired via formal education.