Bachelor's Degree in Accounting and Finance. Department of Accounting and Finance. Faculty of Business and Economics. Technological Educational Institute of Epirus.


The undergraduate programme of the Department of Accounting and Finance seeks to cover the professional needs of the Accounting and Financial sector of Economy. The graduates of the Department acquire:
- the suitable knowledge of the principles, theories, and practices that are currently prevailing in the scientific field of applied accounting and financial analysis, both in Greek and international reality;
- the necessary skills for applying the knowledge and use of know-how for the completion of works and the resolution of problems related to the field of applied accounting and financial analysis;
- the competence of using the knowledge and skills acquired during their studies for the professional and personal development, in a very competitive and constantly changing labour market.
Upon completing their studies, the graduates of the Department shall know, understand, and have the suitable professional assets in the cognitive subjects of Accounting and Finance.

Further Information

The purpose of the Department is the advancement of knowledge and research on the cognitive subjects of Accounting and Financial Science. The curriculum of the Department covers the specific scientific cognitive subjects, as well as the applications thereof in the public and private sector. Specifically, the curriculum of the Department is adjusted to Greek reality and aims to cover the needs of the labour market by teaching courses on the following subjects, among others:
- Keeping of accounting books of all categories, as per the pertinent tax law, the Greek National Chart of Accounts, and the sectoral Accounting Charts.
- Preparation and analysis of financial statements.
- Preparation of budgets for businesses and organisations.
- Application of principles and methods of costing.
- Preparation of financial-technical studies, business plans, and financial reports.
- Conduct of financial research.
- Application of procedures of internal and external control.
- Use of modern computer applications and IT management systems for Accounting and Finance.

Relation To Employment

The graduate of the Department of Accounting and Finance is entitled to work as an Accountant - Tax Technician.


Access to this type of qualification have those who have completed at least the secondary education (level 4).
Holders of such qualifications gain access to study programmes at the same level or at level 7 or 8.

Ways To Aquire

Qualifications of this type are acquired via formal education.