Bachelor's Degree in Shipping, Trade and Transport. Department of Shipping, Trade and Transport. Faculty of Business. University of the Aegean.


Upon the completion of their studies, the graduates acquire a competence to analyse and synthesise, in order to engage with complex problems, cultivate an interdisciplinary approach and analysis of subjects in the composite field of Managing Maritime Businesses, Combined Transports, International Transactions and Entrepreneurship.
They identify, understand, analyse and solve problems faced by businesses and organisations of the field.
They know and are capable of making use of modern tools and methods of analysis in order to deal with problems, and they respond and adapt to the existing national and international competitive environment.
They develop skills individually or collectively, resolving composite problems, and they process solutions and proposals, taking suitable initiatives in order to resolve problems and take decisions, while using suitable and advanced tools (MsOffice (Word, Powerpoint, xls, etc.), SPSS, eViews, BPMN, UML, Access DB, Joomla, ARC GIS, Biogeme) to this end.

Further Information

The programme of studies of the Department of Shipping and Business Services runs for four years. It combines core education over the entire scope of business activities, while at the same time allowing for specialised scientific training on the composite field of Shipping Businesses, Transports and International Exchanges - Trade.
The multi-faceted training offered by the department in a modern, with international character, site, allows the graduate to engage with significant activities relevant to the administration and economics of this environment.
The courses offered are allocated into the following categories:
Core Background Courses (Compulsory), which include the following:
(a) 13 Courses of General Education, related to the organisation, the operation, and the environment of businesses, such as: Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Information Technology, Network, Financial Geography, and Foreign Language (English). Certain courses include laboratories.
(b) 19 courses of Basic Education in Administration, Shipping, and Transports, which deal with the following: Principles of Accounting - Finance, Business Organisation - Administration, Organisation - Administration of Production, Administration of Human Resources, Quantitative Methods, Transport Economics, Shipping Economics - Technology, Marketing, Logistics.
(c) 8 courses aimed to Expand Knowledge on Shipping, Transports and Commerce, taught in the third and fourth year of studies, concerning the Law of the Sea, Maritime Law, the Functional Management of Shipping Businesses, Chartering - Marine Insurances, Protection - Policy of the Environment, Port Economics - Administration, Operational Strategy and Policy, Project Management,
(d) Dissertation
Elective Courses - Courses for Increasing Knowledge. These include the following:
(a) 3 Elective Courses from the groups of the aforementioned courses.
(b) 6 Courses for Increasing Knowledge, selected from groups of courses that refer to three cognitive pillars: Shipping, Transports, and New Technologies and Entrepreneurship.

Relation To Employment

Holders of qualifications that belong to this type may work either as self-employed or in positions of responsibility in companies and organizations in the private or in the public sector.


Access to this type of qualification have those who have completed at least the secondary education (level 4).
Holders of such qualifications gain access to study programmes at the same level or at level 7 or 8.

Ways To Aquire

Qualifications of this type are acquired via formal education.