Master's Degree in "Ecological Engineering and Climatic Change". Department of Environment. Faculty of Environment. University of the Aegean.


KNOWLEDGE: The graduates of the PSP acquire specialised knowledge in the cognitive field of Ecological Engineering and Climate Change, with emphasis on the analysis and management of systems for the management of natural resources, solid and liquid wastes, gaseous emissions, as well as energy systems and the resulting climate change. The cognitive field covers the basic principles of ecology, of environmental engineering, of human behaviour and social dynamics concerning issues related to the function and interconnection with the ecosystems and the environment, and the graduates are capable of understanding and assimilating the basic principles and theories in an integrated context.

SKILLS: The graduates acquire the necessary skills to apply the basic principles of theories and methodologies for the recoding and imprinting, the analysis, management, management, operation, design, and improvement of environmental systems in a dynamic interconnection with the operation of the ecosystems, the functions of society, and of the industrial activity. This effort is based both on the theoretical and on the experimental investigation of problems, on the effort to reduce environmental impacts, on treating them, and on the search for different, better, methodologies, and practices for management and design. The results must be deductively documented, offering solutions and formulating valid judgment in agreement with the social, financial, cultural and value dimensions.
The undertaking of the Dissertation allows the analysis and registering of the current activities and of the level of science and research on issues of ecologic engineering, climate change, and function of the ecosystems.

COMPETENCES: Upon completing their studies, graduates must be able to advance knowledge and competences on issues regarding the interconnection of the social and environmental systems and of the resulting problems. In addition, they must be capable of applying these knowledge to an analytical and composite level, with the purpose of investigating their problems, the search for solutions, the design of systems, and the fine tuning thereof. The entire engagement with the Dissertation allows them to acquire competences with regard to the search, evaluation and recording of the current research activity over a given research subject, establish a research question and seek for answers and solutions for a theoretical and/or experimental level. The writing of the Dissertation allows the organisation of data, the displaying of interconnections and the finding of answers with regard to ecological engineering and the coming climate change. In addition, the knowledge and skills are also organized in a promotional, research basis, in order to be capable of continuing in a more specialised science field, following a research, academic path.

Further Information

The Postgraduate Studies Programme aims to educate graduates of the positive and technological sciences in issue of ecological engineering and climate change, rendering them capable of analysing modern environmental problems, composing solutions for mitigating or averting environmental pressures, and suggesting comprehensive management programmes. In addition, they are educated in the design of mild environmental and ecological systems, the implementation of respective projects, and the monitoring of their operation. The content of studies includes the basic principles of the sciences of environmental systems (ecology, society, economy, and technology), along with the following sections: Environmental Hydraulics, Energy Policy and Management, Atmospheric Pollution and Climate Change, Research Seminar, Applied Ecology and Engineering, Ecotoxicology, Environmental Chemistry and Analysis, Renewable Energy Sources, Applied Geoinformatics, Design of Waste Treatment Facilities, Solid Waste Management, Methods for assessing and technologies for reducing atmospheric pollution.

Relation To Employment

Holders of qualifications that belong to this type may work either as self-employed or in positions of responsibility in companies and organizations in the private or in the public sector.


Access to this type of qualification have those who hold a Bachelor Degree (level 6). The selection of graduate students is mainly based on the following criteria: the overall grade of the Bachelor Degree, the grades in undergraduate courses that are relevant with the subjects of the Master’s program, the performance in thesis, where is foreseen at the undergraduate level and any research activity of the candidate. The detailed application of the above mentioned criteria, the definition of additional criteria or the conducting of examinations and interviews, the results of which are taken into account in the selection, are determined by decision of the relevant Department.
Holders of such qualifications gain access to study programmes at the same level or at level 8.

Ways To Aquire

Qualifications of this type are acquired via formal education.