Master’s Degree in "Statistics and Actuarial - Financial Mathematics". Department of Mathematics. Faculty of Sciences. University of the Aegean.


- Acquisition of specialised scientific background on the cognitive fields of Statistics, Actuarial Science, and Financial Mathematics.
- Specialisation on the use of composite techniques and tools in statistics (Direction A) and in actuarial and financial mathematics (Direction B) for the preparation of statistical, financial, and actuarial studies.
- Acquisition of specialised competences and skills for the preparation of a robust study and for conducting research.
- Specialisation required by the most recent scientific and technological developments, in combination with the specific characteristics and needs of modern Greek and European reality.
- Preparation for postgraduate studies of doctoral level.

Further Information

The Postgraduate Studies Programme of the Department of Mathematics "Statistics and Actuarial - Financial Mathematics" includes two directions:
(a) Statistics and Data Analysis
(b) Actuarial - Financial Mathematics

The main objectives of the programme are the following:
- Advancement of science and knowledge through teaching and research in the scientific field of Statistics and Actuarial - Financial Mathematics.
- Development of research in the scientific field of Statistics and Actuarial - Financial Mathematics.
- Training of scientists necessary for the educational, research and developmental needs of the country.
The Programme of Studies includes the following:
- 4 common Compulsory Courses (C) for both directions (Mathematic Statistics and Bayes Statistics, Stochastic Procedures, General Linear Models - Econometrics, Simulation Techniques (Matlab)
- 2 compulsory courses (C) per direction (Direction A: Exploratory Statistics & Data Analysis and Applied Multivariate Analysis
Direction B: Actuarial Mathematics and Financial Mathematics
- 6 common Elective Courses (E) for both directions
- 6 Elective courses for Direction B and 5 for Direction A
- Postgraduate Dissertation
The following are required for the award of the postgraduate diploma:
- Accumulation of 90 units of ECTS.
- Successful examination in the 6 compulsory courses of the student's direction.
- Successful examination in three elective courses of the student's direction
- Preparation and successful examination of the Postgraduate Dissertation.

Relation To Employment

Holders of qualifications that belong to this type may work either as self-employed or in positions of responsibility in companies and organizations in the private or in the public sector.


Access to this type of qualification have those who hold a Bachelor Degree (level 6). The selection of graduate students is mainly based on the following criteria: the overall grade of the Bachelor Degree, the grades in undergraduate courses that are relevant with the subjects of the Master’s program, the performance in thesis, where is foreseen at the undergraduate level and any research activity of the candidate. The detailed application of the above mentioned criteria, the definition of additional criteria or the conducting of examinations and interviews, the results of which are taken into account in the selection, are determined by decision of the relevant Department.
Holders of such qualifications gain access to study programmes at the same level or at level 8.

Ways To Aquire

Qualifications of this type are acquired via formal education.

Thematic Areas
