Master's s Degree in Education with directions in 1. Teaching Modern Greek Language 2. Billingual Special Education 3. Cultural Studies - Semiotics and Communication. Department of Preschool Education.Faculty of Education of Florina. University of Western Macedonia.


The graduates have specialized knowledge and all necessary assets in order to effectively handle theoretically and practically the teaching of Modern Greek in every educational level (in the Kindergarten, in the Elementary School, in the Lower Secondary School, and in the Upper Secondary School, as well as in Tertiary Education) both of as a first language and as a second / foreign language In addition, they will hold knowledge on an interdisciplinary background that provides a basis for the application of semiotic ideas and research approaches - methods, in a wide spectrum of scientific branches and areas. With regard to the direction of Bilingual Special Education, they show critical understanding of the principles, theories, methodologies, and practices of special training and education (STE), as well as its interconnection with other cognitive fields (applications in the field of psychology, of the special physical training, of IT, etc.). Finally, they will hold an increased critical understanding of the evolutionary dynamics and of the latest issues of all cognitive fields of concern for the postgraduate studies programme.
They apply with ease the theories and methodologies of didactics for Modern Greek, for special training and education, and for semiotics and communication. They conduct original research, by using the methodological analysis tools already acquired. They develop innovative solutions in composite, interdisciplinary and innovative issues related to STE, the didactics of Modern Greek, and semiotics and communication. In this way, they acquire the possibility of evaluating and interpreting modern scientific theories and the relevant interdisciplinary studies of the respective cognitive fields offered to the postgraduate studies programme. They create and reconstruct with a scientifically documented way solutions to issues of concern, after taking into consideration social, semiotic, educational, psychological, and linguistic factors and theories. They reach to conclusions, assess and compare different scientific positions and arguments using critical thinking and reflective reasoning. Therefore, having developed the necessary autonomy of knowledge and competences, they acquire the ability of evaluating and critically analysing multiple scientific theories.
They resolve problems by applying inductive reasoning to the cognitive subjects of didactics, education, semiotics, and communication, while defining their research plans within an interdisciplinary framework. They undertake education and training within the context of an education and communication policy.

Further Information

The specialisation on "Teaching Modern Greek" offers graduates all necessary assets in order to effectively handle theoretically and practically the teaching of Modern Greek in every educational level (in the Kindergarten, in the Elementary School, in the Lower Secondary School, and in the Upper Secondary School, as well as in Tertiary Education) both of as a first language and as a second / foreign language The graduates of this direction shall acquire a solid training around Greek language, the prevailing language teaching trends and views, and they shall be capable of conducting qualitative and quantitative research relevant to the cognitive field of "Teaching Modern Greek" at a doctoral and post-doctoral level. Graduates of direction "Bilingual Special Training and Education" will acquire the theoretical and empirical background, along with the skills rendering them capable of engaging with various professional and research fields of Special Training and Education (STE) related to school and out-of-school sources of STE and socialization.
Along with its research mission, the Postgraduate Studies Programme (PSP) aims to the training of senior executives of STE, specialists for the development of teaching programmes in STE, for the design of the educational policy and for consulting and managerial duties in STE. The graduates of direction "Semiotics and Communication" shall be able to utilize their knowledge in professional fields concerning Communication (e.g. advertising, consulting, and management) and Culture (actions, interventions). The completion of studies allows further studies, domestically or abroad, at Doctorate level.

Relation To Employment

Holders of qualifications that belong to this type may work either as self-employed or in positions of responsibility in companies and organizations in the private or in the public sector.


Access to this type of qualification have those who hold a Bachelor Degree (level 6). The selection of graduate students is mainly based on the following criteria: the overall grade of the Bachelor Degree, the grades in undergraduate courses that are relevant with the subjects of the Master’s program, the performance in thesis, where is foreseen at the undergraduate level and any research activity of the candidate. The detailed application of the above mentioned criteria, the definition of additional criteria or the conducting of examinations and interviews, the results of which are taken into account in the selection, are determined by decision of the relevant Department.
Holders of such qualifications gain access to study programmes at the same level or at level 8.

Ways To Aquire

Qualifications of this type are acquired via formal education.