Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Technology. Crop Production Pathway. Department of Agricultural Technology. Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Food and Nutrition Technology. Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Greece.


The Department offers students theoretical and applied practical training over the entire scope of the science of Agricultural Technology in Plant Production. The educational procedure is based on proper and complete material and technical infrastructure, and on educational personnel of high academic qualifications.

Upon completing their undergraduate studies, the graduates of the Department of Agricultural Technology acquire the necessary technological and scientific knowledge, skills, and competences in every field of agricultural technology in the direction of plant production, with the purpose of being able to work in any of the fields of the Department's cognitive subject, either on their own or as executives in businesses.

Further Information

The Department of Agricultural Technology aims to promote growth and dissemination of scientific knowledge and technological applications in the field of Agricultural Technology for Plant Production. The curriculum of the Department covers a wide range of Agricultural Technology subjects, along with the necessary agricultural technology applications in agricultural production, standardization, processing, and distribution, with special focus on the application of new technologies on Plant Production.

Relation To Employment

The graduates of the Department of Agricultural Technology undertake full and established vocational rights as scientists Agricultural Technologists of Technological Education (Presidential Decree 109/89, Government Gazette 47/10-2-89 τ.Α’).

The Department of Agricultural Technology educates scientists - Agricultural Technologists of Technological Education in the application of the Agricultural Technology Science to Plant Production. The undergraduate curriculum is focused on the development and application of New Technologies in Agricultural Technology - Plant Production and its graduates may find employment in the following sectors:
a) Development and care of all kinds of garden and flower cultivations conducted under cover. b) Production, standardisation, packaging, distribution, and marketing of flower products. c) Concentrations of flower products conducted by cooperatives, private parties, organisations or the Public. d) Mass spraying against plant diseases in flower cultivations, as well as disinsectisation processes or disinfections of greenhouses and areas used for storing flower products conducted by the state, organisations, cooperatives, joint ventures, or private parties. e) Assessment and reports conducted over damages in the flower production, in the deterioration and suitability of flower products intended for consumption. Marketing of greenhouse materials and of all kinds of flower products and supplies, such as aggregate fertilizing materials, pesticides, hormones, and propagation material. g) Establishment and operation of shops marketing the above items, as well as of special laboratories and of offices of special activities relevant to the development of greenhouse and flower cultivations. h) Preparation and supervision or participation in the preparation of studies for the creation or modernization of flower exploitations and green projects, with regard to greenhouse of flower cultivation projects. i) Conduct of supervision and taking of measurements in the construction of greenhouses. j) Any other activity appearing along the development of technology and is proven to be covered by the subject of their specialty.
The graduates may progress to the entire spectrum of administrative and technical chain of command, relevant to the field of production of fresh groceries and flower, and of those growing under cover in particular. Moreover, they may work as executives responsible, as per the applicable law, for the operation of flower exploitations and businesses, and certify the suitability of flower products intended for consumption. They are registered in the Constructor's Experience Registry (MEK) of the Ministry of Public Works for specialised works of greenhouse structures. They may find employment in every level of Education and of the Agricultural training, as per the relevant legislation. In addition, they may also work as members of research teams on issues of their specialisation.


Access to this type of qualification have those who have completed at least the secondary education (level 4).
Holders of such qualifications gain access to study programmes at the same level or at level 7 or 8.

Ways To Aquire

Qualifications of this type are acquired via formal education.

Thematic Areas
