Bachelor's Degree in lnformatics and Mass Media. Department of lnformatics and Mass Media. Facultγ of Management and Economics. Technological Educational lnstitute (TEΙ) of Western Greece.


The purpose of the Department is to create graduates with knowledge, skills, and competences concerning the field of the Information and Communication Technologies, both in traditional (newspapers, radio stations, TV stations, magazines) and in modern (web TV, web radio, internet based media, digital TV / radio) information and communication mass media.

Further Information

The objective of the Department is the education of new scientists: a) on IT technologies, b) on Mass Media studies, c) on the applications of ICT regarding the production and management of material for traditional and modern Mass Media.
This is an interdisciplinary Department that advances the science of Information Technology in Mass Media, i.e. combines information technology and new technologies with the traditional and modern media. The technology, which is constantly evolving, requires from the Department, in order for the latter to remain competitive and supply graduates with the knowledge, skills, and competences required to work and cope with the rapidly developing environment of the technologies of Mass Media, to amend and systematically enrich its curriculum with new courses, which shall be aligned with the current technology, while terminating courses that have become obsolete, aiming thus to the upgrade and extension of the knowledge and skills of students.

Relation To Employment

The Department has established vocational rights through Presidential Decree (Government Gazette 244/ 1-12-2008, bulletin A), which consolidate graduates in the labour market: a) in the application field of Information and Communication Technologies in Mass Media, b) in every level of public and private education for teaching IT courses, as per the applicable legislation, c) as members of research teams on issues of their specialisation, d) in the state, with the ability of progressing in the chain of commands, as per the pertinent legislation, and e) the preparation of studies, the provision of relevant services and projects, both public and private, in the categories covered by the subject of their specialty, in accordance with the relevant law.


Access to this type of qualification have those who have completed at least the secondary education (level 4).
Holders of such qualifications gain access to study programmes at the same level or at level 7 or 8.

Ways To Aquire

Qualifications of this type are acquired via formal education.