The purpose of the Hellenic Fire Officers School is to provide to the Fire Brigade (F.B.) Permanent Officers, suitable educated and trained, in order to cover its needs, produce knowledge and advance research around the firefighting science and technology, and the management of crises and of natural and anthropogenic (technological) disasters, while supporting the operations of the F.B. with the available means and personnel.
Students, following graduation shall be capable of the following:
- Identity and understand the principles of the firefighting science and technology, and of managing crises and natural and anthropogenic (technological) disasters, while understanding and interpreting the clauses of the relevant current law.
- Identify and understand the principles of the relevant theoretical, positive, and applied sciences.
- Discern and specify the numerous subjects and responsibilities of the Fire Brigade and describe practices relevant to firefighting and crisis management.
- Identify the parts and the rules of operation of all firefighting means and equipment used by the Fire Brigade.
- Understand the basic principles of management.
Skills - Competencies:
- Organize and plan issues falling into the competence of firefighting – crisis management.
- Conduct their interrogation duties within the context of the competences of the Fire Brigade (e.g. arsons, etc.).
- Use all firefighting means and resources available, as per the applicable law.
- Respond to crises and manage them according to their duties.
- Communicate with civilians, with the purpose of protecting society.
- Assign roles and duties to their subordinates.
- Develop during their work and career team spirit and the sense of upholding moral values.
Through training in the Hellenic Fire Officers School, the graduates can evaluate the various situations during their service and properly apply the Constitution and the applicable Law, having realised their mission, as state functionaries and social factors.