VOCATIONAL SCHOOL (EPAS) CERTIFICATE (PTYCHIO EPAS) - Specialty "Gaseous Fuels Technicians (Natural Gas)"


The holder of an EPAS certificate of this specialty:

1. Describes the nature, operation and maintenance of fuel gas networks and of their components.
1. Manufactures, checks and maintains fuel gas networks.
2. Installs, checks and maintains boilers, burners and appliances in domestic facilities of gaseous fuels.
3. Installs, checks and maintains boilers, burners and appliances in professional facilities of gaseous fuels.
4. Installs, checks and maintains boilers, burners and appliances in industrial gas fuel facilities.
5. Installs, checks and maintains instruments, automation and electrical circuits in thermohydraulic installations and facilities of gaseous fuels.
6. Manufactures, checks and maintains thermohydraulic system installations.
7. Designs thermohydraulic applications.
8. Prepares financial offers.
1. Collaborates with other technicians in the performance of his duties.
2. Works independently.

Relation To Employment

License to provide services, in accordance with the provisions of each specialty.


Access to EPAS is given to graduates of 1st grade of General Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) or Vocational Upper Secondary School (EPAL).
The holders of Ptychio EPAS have access to:
- the 2nd grade of General Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) or
- the 2nd grade of Vocational Upper Secondary School (EPAL), in a non-related specialty to the obtained EPAS qualification.
- the 3rd grade of Vocational Upper Secondary School (EPAL), in a specialty related to the obtained EPAS qualification.

Ways To Aquire

Formal education system