VOCATIONAL SCHOOL (EPAS) CERTIFICATE (PTYCHIO EPAS) - Specialty "Assistant in Radiology Laboratory"


The holder of an EPAS certificate of this specialty:

1. Understands the operation principles of the machinery and of the equipment of the radiology laboratory.
2. Describes and justifies radiation scans.
3. Is familiar with the anatomy of the systems in the human body.
4. Describes the operation principles of the imaging examinations conducted using ionizing radiation.
1. Operates the radiation machines and devices of the radiation departments under the supervision of Technologists - Radiologists.
2. Evaluates the images taken.
3. Identifies the image of natural anatomic parts and organs through the various imaging methods.
1. Applies the necessary actions in order to take proper images.
2. Applies the radiation protection regulations for patients and employees.
3. Collaborates with other healthcare professionals in the performance of his duties.
4. Stays abreast of and adjust to the technological developments of his field.

Relation To Employment

License to provide services, in accordance with the provisions of each specialty.


Access to EPAS is given to graduates of 1st grade of General Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) or Vocational Upper Secondary School (EPAL).
The holders of Ptychio EPAS have access to:
- the 2nd grade of General Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) or
- the 2nd grade of Vocational Upper Secondary School (EPAL), in a non-related specialty to the obtained EPAS qualification.
- the 3rd grade of Vocational Upper Secondary School (EPAL), in a specialty related to the obtained EPAS qualification.

Ways To Aquire

Formal education system