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Level Title
6 Bachelor's Degree in Accounting and Finance of Technological Education. Department of Accounting and Finance . Faculty of Business and Economics. Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration of Technological Education.. Department of Business Administration. Faculty of Business and Economics. Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies. Pathways: a) Balkan Studies, b) Eastern Studies, c) Oriental Studies. Department of Balkan, Slavic and Oriental Studies. School of Economic and Regional Studies. University of Macedonia.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Culture & Tourism Business Management, Economics & Communication. Specialization: (i) Culture & Αccommodation Business Management, (ii) Museology, (iii) Culture Business Communication. Department of Culture & Tourism Business Management, Economics & Communication. Faculty of Management & Economics. Technological Εducational Ιnstitute of Central Greece.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Economic Sciences. Department of Economics. Faculty of Economic and Regional Studies. University of Macedonia.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Economics. Majors: • Economic Policy & Development • Finance and Banking • Business Economics Department of Economics. School of Economics and Business. University of Thessaly.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Home Economics and Ecology. Department of Home Economics and Ecology. Faculty of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics. Harokopio University.
6 Bachelor's Degree in International and European Studies. Pathways: a) International and European Economic Studies, b) Political Studies and Diplomacy. Department of International and European Studies. Faculty of Social Sciences, Humanities and Arts. University of Macedonia.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Statistics and Actuarial - Financial Mathematics. Department of Mathematics. Faculty of Sciences. University of the Aegean.
6 Bachelor's Degrre in Agricultural Science. Departmant of Agricultural science. Faculty of Agricultural Technology. Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly.