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1 - 10 from 11
Level Title
6 Bachelor's Degree in Furniture Design and Wood Technology of Technological Education. Department of Furniture Design and Wood Design of technological Education. Faculty of Technological Applications. Technological Educational Institute of Thessaly.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Food Science and Technology. Department of Food Science and Technology. School of Agricultural Sciences. University of Patras.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Materials Science and Technology. Department of Materials Science and Technology. Faculty of Sciences and Engineering. University of Crete.
7 Master's Degree "Materials Science and Technology". Department of Materials Science and Technology. Faculty of Sciences and Engineering. University of Crete.
7 Master's Degree in "Geotechnology and the Environment". School of Mineral Resources Engineering. Technical University of Crete.
7 Master's Degree in "Petroleum Engineering". School of Mineral Resources Engineering. Technical University of Crete.
7 Master's Degree in "Product Design and Manufacturing". School of Production Engineering and Management. Technical University of Crete.
7 Master's Degree in "Production and Management Systems". Specialities: 1) Production Systems, 2) Management and Administration Systems, 3) Operational Research. School of Production Engineering and Management. Technical University of Crete.
8 Doctorate in Materials Science and Technology. Department of Materials Science and Technology. Faculty of Sciences and Engineering. University of Crete.
8 Doctorate in Production Engineering and Management. School of Production Engineering and Management. Technical University of Crete.