• Have increased expertise in the particular scientific fields of Clinical Nutrition, Nutrition and Exercise, Nutrition and Public Health, Nutrition, Food and Consumer, Molecular Nutrition.
• Demonstrate a critical understanding of the principles, theories, methodologies and practices of Nutrition Science and its interface with other disciplines, such as those of Food Science, Biology, Biochemistry, Metabolism, Genetics, Biostatistics, Epidemiology.
• Have increased critical understanding of the evolutionary dynamics and cutting-edge issues of the science of Dietetics - Nutrition.
• Have the scientific bases to develop initiatives and interventions in the subject of Nutrition and Dietetics, according to their scientific or professional interests.
• Have the scientific bases for original thinking, both in research and professional level.
• Implement fluently theories and methodologies of the science of Dietetics – Nutrition in their research and work in a critical and creative way.
• Implement with originality knowledge acquired about the process of nutritional care, both in research and in the workplace.
• Are able to evaluate, interpret and promote developments in the science of Dietetics - Nutrition.
• Document their positions with specialist information and arguments, towards a specialised or non public, with clarity, adequacy and accuracy.
• Express inductively, in a scientifically justified way, solutions to complex and interdisciplinary issues and formulate valid judgments, taking into account the respective relevant social, economic, cultural and ethical dimensions.
• Continue to develop with autonomy their knowledge and skills at a higher level.
• Implement professionally specialised knowledge and skills acquired, and deal effectively with new, interdisciplinary or unforeseen issues.
• Make decisions starting with inductive thinking.
• Translate new knowledge into innovative practices in their professional and research area.
• Autonomously undertake responsibility to educate/train and manage a team and evaluate its performance.