VOCATIONAL SCHOOL (EPAS) CERTIFICATE (PTYCHIO EPAS) - Specialty "Chemical Laboratories and Material Quality Control"


The holder of an EPAS certificate of this specialty:

1. Holds core knowledge about inorganic, organic and environmental chemistry.
2. Holds core knowledge on chemical technology, biochemistry and material technology.
3. Holds analytical knowledge about fuels, lubricants, and waste management.
4. Holds applied computer knowledge in the field of chemical laboratories.
5. Holds specialized laboratory knowledge of analytical chemistry, quantitative analysis, biochemistry, and quality control.
6. Describes the chemical laboratory safety, health and environmental protection rules.
7. Interprets and applies the regulations and the specifications about quality in chemical laboratories.
1. Organises and performs all technical instructions regarding the operation of a chemical - biochemical laboratory.
2. Takes care for the proper use and maintenance of the laboratory equipment.
3. Prepares the various solutions, necessary for the chemical analyses.
4. Takes care for the sufficiency of consumables.
5. Selects the suitable instruments - devices necessary for the various chemical analyses.
6. Operates the relevant machinery, instruments and devices.
7. Evaluates the quality of fuel and lubricants, using special laboratory devices.
8. Operates special devices for the control and management of wastes and analyses the specifications of wastewater (form, state, etc.).
9. Regulates the accuracy of machinery and of devices.
10. Records and evaluates the indications of machinery and devices.
11. Prepares, classifies and maintains the samples used for the chemical - biochemical analysis.
12. Is responsible for the file (printed and electronic) regarding the sampling and the analysis of the samples.
13. Operates generic software (text processor, spreadsheets) through a computer.
14. Uses the computer to operate the chemical laboratory through specialized software.
15. Performs quality analyses of compounds or elements.
16. Performs quantitative analyses of compounds or elements.
17. Calculates and evaluates the results of the chemical analyses.
18. Announces using a sheet the results of the chemical analyses.
19. Understands the calibration and verification procedures for methods and instruments.
20. Oversees production flow in a chemical industry - small industry, with the purpose of taking suitable samples for control.
21. Applies the regulation about safety, cleanliness and health regarding persons and facilities.
22. Applies the regulation for the protection of the environment.
23. Takes care in order to save energy.
1. Applies prior knowledge and skills in different work environments by taking initiatives and adapting his behaviour to the circumstances.
2. Works in a team and provides support to lower level colleagues, while implementing the orders received by superior technicians.
3. Works independently by taking responsibility for completing his work.
4. Helps in the formulation of a proper work environment.
5. Presents comfortably the procedures and the results of his activity.
6. Evaluates his personal learning deficiencies and needs and covers them, after seeking relevant guidance, with continued training.
7. Evaluates his actions and the actions of others.
8. Searches for, selects and evaluates information and data in his professional environment.
9. Resolves, either on his own, or by asking for suitable assistance, problems that may arise during his work.

Relation To Employment

License to provide services, in accordance with the provisions of each specialty.


Access to EPAS is given to graduates of 1st grade of General Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) or Vocational Upper Secondary School (EPAL).
The holders of Ptychio EPAS have access to:
- the 2nd grade of General Upper Secondary School (Lykeio) or
- the 2nd grade of Vocational Upper Secondary School (EPAL), in a non-related specialty to the obtained EPAS qualification.
- the 3rd grade of Vocational Upper Secondary School (EPAL), in a specialty related to the obtained EPAS qualification.

Ways To Aquire

Formal education system