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581 - 590 from 1024
Level Title
7 Master's Degree (MSc) in "Intelligent Management of Renewable Energy Systems". Department of Electrical Engineering of Technological Education. Faculty of Technological Applications. Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece.
7 Master's Degree in Business Administration in Hospitality and Tourism . Department of Business Administration. Faculty of Management and Economics. Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia.
7 Master's Degree in Business Administration. Directions : a) Business Administration b) Business Information Systems c) Cost Accounting and Auditing. Department of Business Administration. Faculty of Management and Finance. Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia.
7 Master's Degree in "Advanced Control Systems and Robotics". Department of Automation Engineering of Technological Education. Faculty of Technological Applications. Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece.
7 Master's Degree in "Advanced Physiotherapy". Physiotherapy Department. Faculty of Health and Caring Professions. Technological Educational Institute of Central Greece.
7 Master's Degree in "Communication and Information Systems". Department of Informatics Engineering of Technological Education. Faculty of Technological Applications. Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia.
7 Master's Degree in "Renewable energy systems: Design, development and optimization". Department of Mechanical Engineering of Technological Education. Faculty of Technological Applications. Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia.
7 Master's degree in Business Administration in "Church Management". Department of Business Administration. Faculty of Management and Economics. Technological Educational Institution of Central Macedonia.
7 Master's degree in Financial Accounting and Administration. Department of Accounting and Finance. Faculty of Administration and Economics .Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia.
7 Master's Degree in Logistics. Department of Supply Chain Management and Logistics. Faculty of Management and Economics. Technological Educational Institute of Central Macedonia.