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691 - 700 from 1024
Level Title
7 Master's Degree (MSc) in "Management in Construction". Pathways: a) Management in Construction, b) Structural Design and Construction Management. Department of Civil Engineering. Faculty of Engineering. Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (former Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus).
7 Master's Degree in "Applied Geography and Spatial Planning". Directions: a) Management of Natural and Human Induced Risks and Disasters, b) European Policies, Planning and Spatial Development, c) Geo-informatics. Department of Geography. Faculty of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics. Harokopio University.
7 Master's Degree in "Education and Culture". Directions: a) Educational Psychology and Teaching Practice, b) Administration and Management of School Units, c) Pedagogy and Culture. Department of Home Economics and Ecology. Faculty of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics. Harokopio University.
7 Master's Degree in "Informatics and Telematics". Directions: a) Web Engineering b) Telecommunication Networks and Telematic Services c) Advanced Information Systems in Business. Department of Informatics and Telematics. Faculty of Digital Technology. Harokopio University.
7 Master's Degree in "Politics and Applied Methods for the Protection of the Environment". Department of Civil Engineering. Faculty of Engineering. Piraeus University of Applied Sciences (former Technological Educational Institute of Piraeus).
7 Master's Degree in "Sustainable Development". Directions: a) Local Development, b) Environmental Management , c) Consumer Behaviour. Department of Home Economics and Ecology. Faculty of Environment, Geography and Applied Economics. Harokopio University.
7 Master's Degree in “Applied Nutrition and Dietetics”. Directions: a) Clinical Nutrition, b) Nutrition and Exercise, c) Nutrition and Public Health, d) Consumer, Food and Nutrition, e) Molecular Nutrition. Department of Nutrition and Dietetics. Faculty of Health Science and Education. Harokopio University.