Bachelor Degree in Early Childhood Education. Department of Early Childhood Education. Faculty of Education of Florina. University of Western Macedonia


The students shall be capable of:
- understanding basic concepts and theories of the education sciences, while being familiarized with the methodologies thereof (educational training);
- acquiring the necessary knowledge on sciences and arts, which provide the contents of the curriculum of the kindergarten (special scientific and artistic training), acquire knowledge for teaching the activities of the kindergarten (teaching training);
- developing the competence of stochastic - critical analysis of the educational work (connection of personal educational theory and practice);
- understand and make use of foreign scientific literature, while having a sufficient and advanced knowledge of their field.
- applying the advances and the achievements of the educational sciences on the teaching practice;
- proceed to independent research, with the purpose of producing new knowledge on issues of education and teaching;
- fulfilling with responsibility and success their pedagogic-didactic work;
- resolving composite or new problems arising during the conduct of their pedagogical work;
- communicating with every member of the educational community, with the purpose of disseminating information, ideas, and practical solutions to significant problems.
- handling successfully the pedagogical issues resulting during the conduct of their educational work;
- undertaking proactive initiatives for the application of innovative actions, within the context of exercising the educational practice;
- composting effectively the social and cultural differences existing within their educational environment;
- designing, managing, and applying effectively composite professional activities, which relate to the exercise of their pedagogical work;
- taking the right decisions aiming for the beneficial conduct of their pedagogical work within the field of responsibility.
Learning outcomes: The learners, upon completing their studies, shall be capable of:
- cultivating and advancing the Sciences of Education, through academic and applied teaching and research;
- contributing to the elevation of the level of education and to the covering of the social needs with regards to issues of Pedagogy, while contributing to the treatment and resolution of general pedagogical problems;
- exercising with sufficiency and sophisticated knowhow and increased effectiveness the function of the pedagogue in the preschool age, in children between 3-7 years of age, inside the typical school environment.

Further Information

The undergraduate programme of the Department of Early Childhood Education of the University of West Macedonia seeks the following:
ensure the scientific and professional standing of the Department's graduates, so they can be capable of:
- following the developments in the educational sciences;
- proceeding to independent research, with the purpose of producing new knowledge on issues of education and teaching;
- fulfilling with responsibility and success their pedagogic-didactic work;
- being able to operate a critical educators, with the purpose of continuously improving their work, and also as scientists.
Specifically, the undergraduate programme of the Department of Early Childhood Education in Florina includes semesters of courses, practical training in the collaborating kindergartens and optional dissertation. The programme is formulated in a manner that at least eight (8) semesters of studies are required to graduate. The allocation of students in the eight semesters is indicative and not compulsory for students.
The courses are distinguished based on the following: a) the commitment level thereof, as: compulsory, elective compulsory, and elective (free choice); b) using the criterion of the purpose of teaching, to: introductory and basic training courses, and c) using the criterion of their content with regard to the cognitive subjects:
1. Research Methodology. 2. History of training and education. 3. Philosophy and philosophical conditions of education. 4. Psychology and psychological conditions of education. 5. Social Sciences and Research in Education. 6. Special Education. 7. Pedagogics. 8. Organisation and management of education. 9. Greek language. 10. Literature. 11. History. 12. Tradition and culture. 13. Informatics. 14. Mathematics. 15. Environmental education. 16. Physical sciences. 17. Aesthetic education. 18. Music education. 19. Theatrical play - Puppetry. 20. Kinetic education. 21. Paediatrics - Hygiene. 22. Didactic methodology and practical training. 23. Foreign language.

Relation To Employment

The Department for Primary Education grants a degree (level 6) based on which its holders may find employment in Kindergartens (public or private), in Nurseries (public, municipal, private, of organisations and institutions), in Institutions (for caring, keeping occupied, and treating children), in Preschool Departments of Youth Centres, in Children's Hospitals, in children's amusement parks, in bodies and organisations engaged with the treatment and care of preschool children (3-7 years old).


Access to this type of qualification have those who have completed at least the secondary education (level 4).
Holders of such qualifications gain access to study programmes at the same level or at level 7 or 8.

Ways To Aquire

Qualifications of this type are acquired via formal education.