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381 - 390 from 1024
Level Title
6 Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Technology. Crop Production Pathway. Department of Agricultural Technology. Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Food and Nutrition Technology. Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Greece.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. Αdvanced Study Pathways: a. Business Administration, b. Management of Social Economy and Enterprices, c. Information Systems Management. Department of Business Administration in Messolonghi. Faculty of Management and Economics. Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Greece.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Civil Engineering (Technological Education). Pathways: a) Infrastructure Engineering, b) Building Morphology and Restoration Engineering. Department of Civil Engineering. Faculty of Applied Technology. Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Greece.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Computer and Informatics Engineering. Advanced Study Pathways: a. Network Engineering, b. Computer Engineering, c. Software Engineering. Department of Computer Engineering. Faculty of Applied Technology. Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Greece.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Electrical Engineering. Department of Electrical Engineering. Faculty of Technological Applications. Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Greece.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Mechanical Engineering (Technological Education). Pathways: a) Mechanical Engineering Constructions and Installations b) Energy. Department of Mechanical Engineering. Faculty of Applied Technology. Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Greece.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Nursing. Department of Nursing. Faculty of Health and Welfare Professions. Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Greece.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Optics and Optometry. Department of Optics and Optometry. Faculty of Health and Welfare Professions. Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Greece.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Physical Therapy. Department of Physical Therapy. Faculty of Health and Welfare Professions. Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Greece.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Speech and Language Therapy. Department of Speech and Language Therapy. Faculty of Health and Welfare Professions. Technological Educational Institute (TEI) of Western Greece.