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341 - 350 from 1024
Level Title
6 Bachelor's Degree in Cultural Technology and Communication. Department of Cultural Technology and Communication. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of the Aegean.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Agriculture Technology. Tracks: a) Crop Production, b) Animal Production, c) Floriculture-Landscape Architecture. Department of Agricultural Technology. Faculty of Agricultural Technology, Food Technology and Nutrition. Technological Educational Institute of Epirus.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration. Department of Business Administration. Faculty of Business. University of the Aegean.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering. Advanced study tracks: a) Network Engineering, b) Computer Engineering, c) Software Engineering. Department of Computer Engineering. Faculty of Applied Technology. Technological Educational Institute of Epirus.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Environmental Science. Department of Environment. Faculty of Environment. University of the Aegean.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Geography. Department of Geography. Faculty of Social Sciences. University of the Aegean.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Preschool Education Sciences and Educational Design. Department of Pre-school Education and Educational Design. Faculty of Humanities. University of the Aegean.
6 Bachelor's Degree in Traditional Music. Department of Traditional Music. Faculty of Arts. Technological Educational Institute of Epirus.
6 Diploma in Financial and Management Engineering. Department of Financial and Management Engineering. Faculty of Business. University of the Aegean.
6 Diploma in Product and Systems Design Engineering. Department of Product and Systems Design Engineering. Faculty of Sciences. University of the Aegean.